Showing posts with label marriage counseling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marriage counseling. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I AGREE - Relationship Advice of the Day 4/8/2014

Just to hear the words, "I AGREE!" does something to the hearts and minds of men, women, and children.  However, most of the time, in our personal relationships hearing these two words, let alone an actual agreement taking place, is a rarity.

The miracle you're looking for in your relationship is in the #POWEROFAGREEMENT. The ability to get to an agreement can make all the difference in the relationship.

Stop being disagreeable for disagreeable's sake. That's immature and only makes your relationship less than what God may have intended it to be.

Communicate with your partner as often as possible with no preconceived ideas. Let the communication be open & honest.

Always focus on what you agree on, as opposed to the few things you don't. It will help tremendously.



Armani Valentino is available for books, consultations, speaking engagements, relationship & communication coaching, and more! Please visit for more info. You may also call the office directly at 972-383-9234

Monday, March 31, 2014

Can I Get the Bullet Points? - Relationship Advice of the Day 3/31/2014

So, I was on the phone with one of my best female friends who has been in my life for over 10 years.

We were talking about this blog that you're currently reading. She asked me, "Why don't you blog more often?" She then commenced to scold me before I could fully answer her question.

As we laughed about it, I started to answer. Before I could fully answer the question, she interrupted and said, "Can I get the bullet points?" We laughed hysterically.

I realized that in relationships of all kinds, it is important to have the desire to want to hear the other person in order for the communication to remain respectful, uplifting, and fruitful. Otherwise, it will not be beneficial for all parties involved.

The other realization came when I asked her, "Did you like what you read?" She didn't answer. I asked again. She still didn't answer. So, I asked, "Did you read any of my blog posts?" She deflected the question with laughter and a few questions. We laughed and she finally said, "Yes. I read your posts and I liked them." That made me smile.  ;-)

I have many things that I do, and I don't always know if people are appreciating or reading what's being put out. As an entrepreneur, my time is the most valuable asset I possess. Therefore, it is very important to know what is being shared, read, valued, etc.

The same goes for relationships. You must let the other person know when you are pleased with what they've done. We often focus on what's not done correctly versus what we like and appreciate from the other individual.

Moral of the Story: Listen. Allow the other person to fully express their thoughts and feelings. DON'T BULLET POINT YOUR RELATIONSHIP. Don't BULLET POINT your interactions. You might miss something valuable. When this happens, it usually causes MISS-Understandings. Meaning, you two have MISSED what the other one was meaning in a particular situation.

Lastly, value one another by expressing Words of Affirmation. Without these words one may often stop doing the one thing you like just because they were never AFFIRMED by you.


For more info visit

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Pick Up the Phone & Call - Relationship Advice of the Day 2/6/2014 Armani Valentino

With email, texting, and social media being the main forms of communication, many relationships of today suffer greatly from lack of interactive face-2-face, heartfelt communication that helps establish a deep connection.

Relationships will continue to fail and marriages will continue end in divorce as individuals seek deep connection that only comes through genuine communication on all levels. And since most people seem to want to avoid the work that it takes learn how to communicate, it may seem as if there is no help.

Sex seems to be the only connection that individuals seek. While this is a very powerful connection, it's one on the lowest level. When there's a true meeting of the minds and spirit, the physical/sexual is often not explainable in words.

So, as opposed to living and communicatingin this virtual reality, next time pick up the phone and let the energy of your voice be heard and felt. You can even go one step further and actually invest the time to meet up face-2-face.


Armani Valentino is a national
bestselling author, publisher, consultant, speaker, relationship &
life coach, director, producer, actor, & renaissance man.

Books and other products/services
available @

He is available for media appearances, panel discussions,
workshops & conferences, private consultations & coaching
sessions, and more by calling 972-781-8404