Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I AGREE - Relationship Advice of the Day 4/8/2014

Just to hear the words, "I AGREE!" does something to the hearts and minds of men, women, and children.  However, most of the time, in our personal relationships hearing these two words, let alone an actual agreement taking place, is a rarity.

The miracle you're looking for in your relationship is in the #POWEROFAGREEMENT. The ability to get to an agreement can make all the difference in the relationship.

Stop being disagreeable for disagreeable's sake. That's immature and only makes your relationship less than what God may have intended it to be.

Communicate with your partner as often as possible with no preconceived ideas. Let the communication be open & honest.

Always focus on what you agree on, as opposed to the few things you don't. It will help tremendously.



Armani Valentino is available for books, consultations, speaking engagements, relationship & communication coaching, and more! Please visit www.ArmaniValentino.com for more info. You may also call the office directly at 972-383-9234

Monday, March 31, 2014

Can I Get the Bullet Points? - Relationship Advice of the Day 3/31/2014

So, I was on the phone with one of my best female friends who has been in my life for over 10 years.

We were talking about this blog that you're currently reading. She asked me, "Why don't you blog more often?" She then commenced to scold me before I could fully answer her question.

As we laughed about it, I started to answer. Before I could fully answer the question, she interrupted and said, "Can I get the bullet points?" We laughed hysterically.

I realized that in relationships of all kinds, it is important to have the desire to want to hear the other person in order for the communication to remain respectful, uplifting, and fruitful. Otherwise, it will not be beneficial for all parties involved.

The other realization came when I asked her, "Did you like what you read?" She didn't answer. I asked again. She still didn't answer. So, I asked, "Did you read any of my blog posts?" She deflected the question with laughter and a few questions. We laughed and she finally said, "Yes. I read your posts and I liked them." That made me smile.  ;-)

I have many things that I do, and I don't always know if people are appreciating or reading what's being put out. As an entrepreneur, my time is the most valuable asset I possess. Therefore, it is very important to know what is being shared, read, valued, etc.

The same goes for relationships. You must let the other person know when you are pleased with what they've done. We often focus on what's not done correctly versus what we like and appreciate from the other individual.

Moral of the Story: Listen. Allow the other person to fully express their thoughts and feelings. DON'T BULLET POINT YOUR RELATIONSHIP. Don't BULLET POINT your interactions. You might miss something valuable. When this happens, it usually causes MISS-Understandings. Meaning, you two have MISSED what the other one was meaning in a particular situation.

Lastly, value one another by expressing Words of Affirmation. Without these words one may often stop doing the one thing you like just because they were never AFFIRMED by you.


For more info visit

Monday, March 24, 2014

Take A Break - Relationship Advice of The Day - 3/24/2014

Sometimes, life can be extremely stressful. Our significant other can become the one person that gets our nerves the most.

When this happens, I say take a vacation for a couple of days. Go visit your mother or relative. While there, DO NOT speak negative about any issues you may be having. Just enjoy the time away.

Be sure to remind yourself that things really aren't that bad, and that you love the person, which is why you with him/her in the first place.

Take a break. It's okay.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Relationship Advice of the Day 2/25/2014

Always, always, always

If you know what you want there's no reason you shouldn't at least ask. The other person is not you. They are not in your mind. They more than likely cannot read your mind. Don't assume that they can.

Be specific in your asking if you know exactly what you want. You'll be surprised; especially when dealing with a man, how if you're specific, what he'll end up doing.

Men like to get it right. As long as you're not playing games when you're asking, and being specific, he'll try his best to come through.

Ask! Don't Assume. You'll be glad you did.



Friday, February 14, 2014

New Study Reveals the Top 5 Relationship Deal Breakers for Both Men and Women

Dallas, TX, 2/12/2014 - With
Valentine's 2014 weekend upon
us, many will start new
relationships and others will
strengthen their current
relationship. On the other hand,
there will be another group of
individuals that won't be able to
quite "seal the deal."

National Bestselling Author and
Relationship Expert, Armani
Valentino, releases new
independent study of the Top 5
Deal Breakers for both men and
women. He hopes that this
information will be used to help
improve male/female

In the study, 73% of the
respondents were female and
27% were male. Over half (54.7%)
of the respondents were single
and had never been married.
Another 25% of the respondents
were divorced. The rest of the
respondents were either married
(12.5%), separated (6.3%), or
widowed (1.5%).

Nearly one-third (60.9%) were
between the ages of 30-39. The
second and third largest group
that responded was between 40-49 (17.2%) and 21-29 (14.1%);
respectively. The remaining
respondents were ages 50-59(4.6%), 60+ (1.6%), 17 & under

The Top 5 Deal Breakers for Both
Men & Women

Amazingly enough, men and
women agreed on the first and
the last deal-breaker. The
respondents were simply asked
to list, in order of importance,
their top deal-breakers. Here
were the results:

Women & Men
#1 - Lying, Dishonesty
Untrustworthy, Not able to Keep
Your Word

#2 - (Women) - Financially
unstable, No Job, No desire for
more, No Ambition

(Men) - Not feeling morally
supported or Too Much
Negativity from mate

#3 -(Women) - Cheating &

(Men) - Lack of Sex, Bad Sex,
and Infrequent Sex

#4 - (Women) - Not believing in
the same Religion, Lack of
Spiritual Life, Disbelief in God or
Not Attending Regular Spiritual

(Men) - Cleanliness of Body &
House, Unhealthy Habits
(smoking, drinking, drugs, eating,
etc.) &
Unhealthy Weight

Women & Men
#5 - Poor Communication,
Controlling, & Lack of

Valentino says, "The results were
a little surprising to me. I was a
little shocked to see that finances
outranked, cheating & infidelity,
as well as spirituality and
communication." When asked
about why he thought this may
have been the case he stated,
"I'm not sure. However, I do know
that some of the women
admitted to me that they would
stay with a man they knew was
cheating before they stayed with
a man that did not make enough
money to do the things she

With much of life being viewed
almost instantly through social
media, access to the world at
large and desire to live like we
see others, may have had a
somewhat negative effect on our
male/female relationships.
Valentino agreed.

Whatever relationship category
you may be in this Valentine's
weekend, Mr. Valentino suggests,
"Make sure you know what you
want, and don't allow that to be
dictated or heavily influenced by
anyone other than yourself."

Armani Valentino is the author of
the National Bestselling book, 99
Questions You Must Ask a Man
Before Sleeping with Him &
Definitely Before Having SEX, and
9 other books including
bestsellers – The Love Triangle,
Why Do We Hurt Each Other, and
This Is Why I Won’t Marry You.
Since 2008 he’s been a Certified
Marriage/Family Champion for
the TwoGether in Texas. He’s
been featured on national,
regional, and local media since
2007, and is available for radio,
television, and print interviews
upon request.

Contact: Kelland L. Drumgoole,
Phone: 972-781-8404 or 214-842-7149
kelland@armanivalentino.com or


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Be Tactful in Your Communication by Armani Valentino - Relationship Advice of the Day 2/20/2014

Always think multiple times before saying anything when you're in a heated discussion or argument with the other person.

One or both of you will end up saying things that you really don't mean. When most people are emotionally hurting, our brain is flooded with different hormones that clouds our judgement.

Therefore, be tactful in your ability to put the situation in its proper perspective. When you do this you're able to walk away and calm down.

Always try and discuss situations in the right mind frame, and in the proper emotional state.

Use tact.


Armani Valentino is the author of
the National Bestselling book, 99
Questions You Must Ask a Man
Before Sleeping with Him &
Definitely Before Having SEX, and
9 other books including
bestsellers – The Love Triangle,
Why Do We Hurt Each Other, and
This Is Why I Won’t Marry You.
Since 2008 he’s been a Certified
Marriage/Family Champion for
the TwoGether in Texas. He’s
been featured on national,
regional, and local media since
2007, and is available for radio,
television, and print interviews
upon request.

Contact: Kelland L. Drumgoole, PR
Phone: 972-781-8404 or 214-842-7149
kelland@armanivalentino.com or

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Find A Way by Armani Valentino - Relationship Advice of the Day - 2/11/2014

"When you really want to do something you find a way!"

One year for Valentines Day I got sick. I was in college at the time, and my college sweetheart and I were trying to see who could outdo the other. Well, she knew I was sick, had missed class, and couldn't go anywhere!

So, my original plans were scratched. According to her, "When you called me and told me you were sick, I knew you wouldn't outdo me!" Boy was she wrong. Lol...

I remember getting on the phone and making calls to friends that knew us both. I finally reached Stephanie Warfield​​. She came through for me, and helped me fulfill my Valentines Day surprise. My college sweetheart gave a great gift, but she was perplexed at how I still was able to pull off what I did; even while I was confined to my apartment.

Moral of the story, "Love is a powerful motivating force! If Love is the purpose, you can always find or make a way!" 


Armani Valentino is a national
bestselling author, publisher, consultant, speaker, relationship &
life coach, director, producer, actor, & renaissance man.

Books and other products/services
available @ www.ArmaniValentino.com

He is available for media appearances, panel discussions,
workshops & conferences, private consultations & coaching
sessions, and more by calling 972-781-8404

Monday, February 10, 2014

Love Me or Leave Me Alone - Relationship Advice of the Day by - Armani Valentino 2/10/2014

As simple as this may sound, for the majority of folks it's extremely difficult to do.

As I think about my most enjoyable and loving relationships, they LOVED ME & I LOVED THEM. There wasn't a lot of back and forth, second guessing, or concern with what others had to say about the relationship.

Other people and second guessing brings confusion. Confusion only breeds more confusion.

Either be HOT or COLD, and not LUKEWARM.

1. Make your mind up about the person and why you loved them in the first place.

2. Understand what thoughts you have about the person. Are they YOUR original thoughts or someone elses. Most of the time, they're someone elses thoughts; not your own.

3. Make a decision and stick with our! NOTHING CAN STOP A MADE UP MIND. Not even temporary defeat. And understand that defeat is almost always TEMPORARY!


Armani Valentino is a national
bestselling author, publisher, consultant, speaker, relationship &
life coach, director, producer, actor, & renaissance man.

Books and other products/services
available @ www.ArmaniValentino.com

He is available for media appearances, panel discussions,
workshops & conferences, private consultations & coaching
sessions, and more by calling 972-781-8404

Friday, February 7, 2014

Set Goals & Work Together - Relationship Advice of the Day by Armani Valentino - 2/7/2014

"Two are better than one, for they have a good reward for their service..."

The above are words of wisdom from King Solomon. In today's time, most couples don't set goals together. Both parties are usually too busy doing their own thing.

Individuals are literally being individual, versus being a team united towards common goals. You can do a lot by yourself, but two people in agreement can literally accomplish anything. Matthew 18:19

So, it often behooves me that more couples don't set goals together. I guess for some reason one or both are often competing against one another.

Many times, the skills that both individuals have can be put together and produce amazing results. I encourage you to set goals together. I encourage you to achieve goals together. And in doing so, this will strengthen your relationship and add some passion back into it.

Be sure to be open to change and to trying one another's ideas. Or better yet, be open to ideas that may be better than what either of you could have done on your own.


Thank you for reading! Please share and repost to help someone else.


Armani Valentino is a national
bestselling author, publisher, consultant, speaker, relationship &
life coach, director, producer, actor, & renaissance man.

Books and other products/services
available @ www.ArmaniValentino.com

He is available for media appearances, panel discussions,
workshops & conferences, private consultations & coaching
sessions, and more by calling 972-781-8404

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Pick Up the Phone & Call - Relationship Advice of the Day 2/6/2014 Armani Valentino

With email, texting, and social media being the main forms of communication, many relationships of today suffer greatly from lack of interactive face-2-face, heartfelt communication that helps establish a deep connection.

Relationships will continue to fail and marriages will continue end in divorce as individuals seek deep connection that only comes through genuine communication on all levels. And since most people seem to want to avoid the work that it takes learn how to communicate, it may seem as if there is no help.

Sex seems to be the only connection that individuals seek. While this is a very powerful connection, it's one on the lowest level. When there's a true meeting of the minds and spirit, the physical/sexual is often not explainable in words.

So, as opposed to living and communicatingin this virtual reality, next time pick up the phone and let the energy of your voice be heard and felt. You can even go one step further and actually invest the time to meet up face-2-face.


Armani Valentino is a national
bestselling author, publisher, consultant, speaker, relationship &
life coach, director, producer, actor, & renaissance man.

Books and other products/services
available @ www.ArmaniValentino.com

He is available for media appearances, panel discussions,
workshops & conferences, private consultations & coaching
sessions, and more by calling 972-781-8404

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

When Things Go Wrong-Relationship Advice of the Day 2/5/2014

In life, things sometimes go wrong. When this happens sometimes it may not be anything you had any control over.

However, the one thing you can control, is the way you respond to it.

We're all humans and we make mistakes. When a mistake is made within a relationship. We often think that the person made the mistake on purpose.

Many arguments happen over trivial things that aren't relevant to life in general or a happy relationship. Arguing over small things that don't go how you think they should often tears down the fabric of the relationship. It negatively affects the bond between the individuals; sometimes to the point off no repair.

As the famous unknown poet wrote, "When things go wrong, as they sometimes will. When the road your traveling seems all uphill. When the funds are low and the debts are high. When you want to smile but you have to sigh. When care is pressing you down a bit...REST if you must, but DON'T YOU QUIT!"


Armani Valentino is a national
bestselling author, publisher, consultant, speaker, relationship &
life coach, director, producer, actor, & renaissance man.

Books and other products/services
available @ www.ArmaniValentino.com

He is available for media appearances, panel discussions,
workshops & conferences, private consultations & coaching
sessions, and more by calling 972-781-8404

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Do not Criticize, Condemn, or Complain - Relationship Advice of the Day 2/4/2014

In one of the bestselling books in the last 100 years, Dale Carnegie states, DO NOT CRITICIZE, CONDEMN, or COMPLAIN.

I've realized that complaining about complaining is still complaining. So, to be able to develop the habit of seeing the bright side or positive in the situation, versus criticizing or complaining about it, is important for relationship success.

There's almost always more than one way to accomplish the desired result.  Whatever way that is for one person may not be the same for another; and that's ok.

Look at the bright side of things rather than searching for something to CRITICIZE, CONDEMN, our COMPLAIN about.



Armani Valentino is a national
bestselling author, publisher, consultant, speaker, relationship &
life coach, director, producer, actor, & renaissance man.

Books and other products/services
available @ www.ArmaniValentino.com

He is available for media appearances, panel discussions,
workshops & conferences, private consultations & coaching
sessions, and more by calling 972-781-8404

Monday, February 3, 2014

Keep Your Mouth OFF ME - Relationship Advice of the Day 2/3/2014

Growing up, we were always told, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all." I now understand why.

Words have the power to HEAL, BLESS and PROSPER! They also have the ability to curse, condemn, & discourage.

What are you truly saying to your significant other, family members and friends? Are you edifying and building them up? OR Are you tearing them down by the words from your mouth?

According to the LAW OF ATTRACTION, What you say of others will also be said of you. What are you sending out into the Universe on a daily basis? Whatever you're sending out is what you're getting. So, never think of it as strange when you hear someone say the same thing to you that you said about someone else.

Words are powerful! Very POWERFUL! Be careful what you say to the ones you say you love.


Armani Valentino is a national
bestselling author, publisher, consultant, speaker, relationship &
life coach, director, producer, actor, & renaissance man.

Books and other products/services
available @ www.ArmaniValentino.com

He is available for media appearances, panel discussions,
workshops & conferences, private consultations & coaching
sessions, and more by calling 972-781-8404

Sunday, February 2, 2014

7 Relationship Rules for Superbowl Sunday Relationship Advice of the Day

1.) Have fun!!!
2.) Keep Arguing & Offensive words to a minimum.
3.) If you really don't know FOOTBALL, just enjoy the game! You don't have to comment w/ all the so called experts & has beens watching the game with you.
4.) Root for YOUR team & DON'T FLIP FLOP!
5.) Don't drink too much. Nothing is worse than a drunk spouse or significant other at a Super Bowl Party.
6.) Save any outside/personal issues & conversations, UNLESS they are truly LIFE & DEATH, until AFTER the game.
7.) Don't take it personal. You're not on the field. And, WIN OR LOSE, it's not the end of the world. There's always next year.


Armani Valentino is a national
bestselling author, publisher, consultant, speaker, relationship & life coach, director, producer, actor, & renaissance man.

Books and other products/services
available @ www.ArmaniValentino.com

He is available for media appearances, panel discussions, workshops & conferences, private consultations &  coaching sessions, and more by calling 972-781-8404

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Relationship Advice of the Day 2/1/2014

Enjoy a moment to yourself every single day. Those moments don't have to be hours and hours. But... they are so very important to the long term success of your relationship.

I would advise that it be in a quiet place or on a walk or something. Not alone time with TV, radio, etc. Quiet time. Mediation alone for 15-30 minutes are another great way to enjoy a moment alone.

Alone time allows you too refresh & renew your mind, body, and spirit. It helps you be able to be the best you can be in ALL your relationships. It also keeps you from having the feelings of being OVERWHELMED! 

Feeling overwhelmed brings undo and unneeded stress to yourself and others around you.

So, take a small amount of time daily for yourself by yourself.


Armani Valentino is a national bestselling author, publisher, consultant, speaker, relationship & life coach, director, producer, actor, & renaissance man.

Books and other products/services available @ www.ArmaniValentino.com

He is available for media appearances, panel discussions, workshops & conferences, private consultations & coaching sessions, and more by calling 972-781-8404

Friday, January 31, 2014

Relationship Advice of the Day 1/31/2014

In relationships, individuals will often say, "I LOVE YOU!" While I honestly believe that most men & women mean it, I also believe most of us struggle with loving without limits on a very basic level.
Love is patient. Love is kind. The definition of love given in Corinthians is the definition I agree with 100%. And the above two sentences are the basic foundation of LOVE.
Love is patient first because in order to love, you're going to have to be patient as you learn & get to know the other individual. Love is kind because there's going to be some times that you don't understand what was said or done, but you'll later find out that the intent was for your good and not your harm. If you constantly lose your ability to be kind, you'll miss the thought/intentions behind the other person's acts of kindness.
Men and women often want to be the important person in the relationship. They wanted to be about ME, ME, ME. I WANT, I WANT, I WANT. I need, I need, I need. When it's not they can become belligerent and refuse to show love, care, and concern for the other individual. This is not kindness. However, it it is a common practice in many relationships of today.
It's nice to be important, but it's MORE IMPORTANT TO BE NICE! Contrary to popular belief, being nice & kind is not weak. It's only perceived as weak by the spiritually unlearned. When you're nice to people that aren't nice to you for no reason, they heap coals of fire over their own head. You just continue to be nice, patient, & kind.
I've loved long enough to know the phrase, "kill them with kindness" is TRUE indeed. I encourage you, man or woman, to BE PATIENT, BE KIND, & to BE NICE!
visit www.ArmaniValentino.com for books, audio recordings, videos, coaching products/ services, and more!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Relationship Advice of the Day 1/30/2014 - Be More Affectionate

Be affectionate! Many individuals, both men and women tend to be less and less affectionate in relationships nowadays. Often, both men and women will tell me they do not feel like being touched by their significant other OR touching their significant other. This tends to happen for various reasons in different relationships.

However, If you are in a relationship with sometime you say you love, this should not be the case. As children we are naturally affectionate. We naturally give and seek physical touch.

Experts agree that we need three to five hugs daily. However, the average person may not receive three to five hugs a week, let alone three to five hugs in a day.

Kiss more. Cuddle more. Hold hands more. Hug more. All these actions of affection release healthy endorphins into your body. These endorphins do wonders for your body and mind;  for both men and women.

My RAD (relationship advice of the da) is BE MORE AFFECTIONATE. Not for the purpose of sex or to get a favor or something from the other individual, but for your own physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing. And for the healing and growth of your relationship with the person you say you love.

Try for the next month or two. You'll be glad you did.

Visit www.ArmaniValentino.com for books, videos, and more.

You may book Armani Valentino for your next event, media appearances, interviews, etc. by calling 972-383-9234.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Relationship Advice of the Day 1/3/2014

Relationship Advice of the Day - 1/3/2014
by Armani Valentino

"Ask for What you Want. Do not assume the other person knows what YOU want. They usually don't." 

Most couples seem to have an issue with their communication of their wants and desires. For some reason, one or both individuals will read into what is either being said or not being said, versus just openly asking for a better understanding. 

I was always told, "A Closed Mouth Doesn't Get Fed." If you are going to have a better relationship in 2014; that includes what you desire as well as what the other person desires, the both of you are going to have to communicate these desires more effectively. After communicating these desires, give it time to manifest. 

Not all desires will happen immediately. Therefore, you're going to have to be a little more patient. We'll talk about that in another post. Until next time, Claim the INCREASE, but also INCREASE the Climb ~ I'll SEE YOU at the TOP! ~Armani Valentino~ 

Visit www.armanivalentino.com for more information, to order books, and/or Relationship Coaching Sessions and More!